by Bob | Apr 5, 2021 | Blog
No Boys Allowed Written by Bob Blog v 0 Comment(s) April 5, 2021 As the days passed, I tried to hit the fast forward button on healing. I learned later on that much like the “Door Close” button in elevators, the fast forward button...
by Bob | Apr 3, 2021 | Blog
Let’s address something that I am going to address A LOT as I do these posts, here, and on our Facebook page. If you’re grieving and you have a day out of nowhere that you feel, “good”, do not beat yourself up over it. Its natural to feel horrible that you caught...
by Bob | Apr 2, 2021 | Blog
If you weren’t there during all this, and you’re reading these blog posts for the first time, you might think I was in a midst of denial and perhaps trying to act like nothing was wrong by how busy I immediately became. Distraction was a major draw. I WANTED to be...
by Bob | Apr 1, 2021 | Blog
I hope you are still reading along. I will not lie and say there is a happy ending, but I can tell you that if I can be here, now, typing this….reading these posts from a few years ago and discussing them, you can make it too. I think its important that as you...
by Bob | Mar 30, 2021 | Blog
The funeral was 6 days after her passing. As I look back t my social media feed, the only thing I posted a few days before the funeral up until the day of was pictures of old memories. Most were from when we started dating. When life was full of mystery and adventure,...